AI Voices, Restaurants, & Open Source

It’s Independence Day, and the world of AI is only speeding up. The pace of change in this field is unlike anything we’ve seen since the dawn of the microprocessor in the 1980’s.

1/ Morgan Freeman slams unauthorized use of his AI voice

Morgan, who has a very soothing voice himself and made a career with it, slammed the use of his AI voice.

The AI voice basically stated: 

Welcome to my niece's day-in-life, narrated by me, Morgan Freeman. Uncle Mo has been booked and busy, but i finally got him to narrate my trip”

AI voices are getting pretty good, but Morgan, similar to Johansson,  was not happy with the use of it.

2/ Anthropic: AI Safety?

Anthropic and its Claude 3.5 Sonnet model aren't just crushing it - they're obliterating the competition. They've even left GPT-4 in the dust on coding tasks. But they're not stopping there.

Now, they're assembling a legion of third-party evaluators to assess AI capabilities and risks. Think of it as the Avengers of AI safety, focusing on:

  • Cybersecurity: Can these AIs out-hack the hackers?

  • Chemical, biological, nuclear risks: Because who doesn't love a good doomsday scenario?

3/ Runway gen 3 Comparable to Sora?

Runway's strutting its stuff, claiming its gen 3 model can go toe-to-toe with OpenAI's Sora. It's like the AI equivalent of a rap battle, but with pixels instead of words. Who will be crowned the king of AI video generation? Stay tuned!

4/ AI in Restaurant Personalization?

West Island authority is cooking up a storm with AI, serving personalized menus to patients with diabetes. It's like having a super-smart, health-conscious friend whispering in your ear, "Maybe skip the triple-decker pancakes today, champ."

Imagine walking into a restaurant and the menu adapts to your needs faster than you can say "extra fries." Peanut allergy? No problem. Carb-counting? AI's got your back.

The only catch? Some poor chef has to cook all these AI-dreamed dishes.

5/ Open source GPT-4o?

A French startup named Kyutai has unleashed Moshi, an AI voice assistant that's not just smart - it's emotionally intelligent and lightning-fast. We're talking 160 ms latency, potentially leaving GPT-4 in the dust.

It's like the French decided to create their own AI Tour de France, and they're pedaling circles around the competition. OpenAI, watch your back - the open-source revolution is coming, and it's speaking French…