Company Productivity & AI at Davos

Mid January,

And already an eventful monty…

For those of you that manage people and run organizations, we’ve got some nifty AI tools and workflows that can enhance productivity. And we’ve got Davos…

So buckle up

 It's going to be a noisy election year- but the top performing organizations will be able to quiet the noise and double their execution speed.

So a site such as, can be of help to leaders looking to block political browsing during various hours…


1/ MemAI helps you with connecting ideas between various threads and topics

Definitely helps keeps things tidy…

So, focus and organization…how about some proverbial “fireworks” in AI land? Welp, we’re getting there…

2/ Adobe introduces new, AI-powered premiere pro

The new features in premiere pro essentially includes an enhanced speech dialogue clean-up tool, with add ons such as interactive fade handles and clip effects badges

3/ AI Art At Davos- yes, that Davos…a place where global leaders, businesses, and bureaucrats discuss plans on global economics, future plans, society, etc..

Many view it as a symbol of restrictive global government. 

As an aside, Milei’s speech was epic, and here is a small translated snippet:

“If you make money, it's because you offer a better product at the best price, thereby contributing to the general well-being.

Do not yield to the advance of the state.”

Here’s where you can watch a HeyGen AI rendering of the speech in english:

This is a contrarian view to the general ethos of Davos- and that's what makes it amazing. To advance society, entrepreneurs build, and governments often stifle innovation via regulation. 

Anyways, Refik Anadol unveiled an open source AI model dedicated to nature. It’s training data? Includes the Smithsonian Institute and National Geographic.

Stunning to say the least.

Anyways, peace.