The AI Spectacle- Gas with a few breaks?

Is AGI coming for us all?

Pausing AI?

Faster and Faster. AI is All gas, with no breaks.

Or is it?

An open letter came out last week, with signatures from Elon Musk and many other AI researchers. Seems concerning.

You know, AI has been on an exponential growth curve for the last few months, and ChatGPT has been the fastest-adopted tech tool in history- get this, the website has had billions of visits so far.

Gonna go out on a limb- we predict OpenAI will be the most valuable company in history. Go figure.

Anyway, about this pause… there are two sides to the argument.

On the pro side, After all, AI has already brought us incredible advancements, like self-driving cars and virtual assistants. Plus, who wouldn't want a robot to do their laundry or clean their house?

ChatGPT is helping so many in schools already- in fact…many students are now using ChatGPT as their primary means to learn things, not their teacher. Incredible product that is changing. Bu

On the other hand, the “pausers” have an interesting case. True…have we stopped to consider the consequences of AI- in a recent podcast, Sam Altman (CEO of OpenAI) noted that AGI can destroy the world. But even less severe, white collar jobs erode, a proliferation of fake news occurs, and etc etc. Basically, the letter wants people to pause and take a breather on the rapid pace of AI development.

Personally, I'm on the fence about this debate. I think we should continue to develop AI, but with caution and ethical considerations.

To lay it out clearly, here’s a table of the pros and cons of accelerating AI development (which may or may not have been ChatGPT’d….)

AGI or artificial general intelligence is listed as a con- simply because it can destroy the world if humans aren’t prepared.

Anyways, as it is with many things in life, an epic power struggle between AI optimists and AI doomers has emerged.

Italian Drama

Anyway, Italy stated that the primary reason for this ban was due to data privacy concerns. OpenAI responded by saying “We want our AI to learn about the world, not about private individuals.” Sam is a great CEO and spokesperson for OpenAI…he always knows how to express things in the least controversial way possible.


Did you hear about his recent spat with Elon Musk?

I don’t know if you heard recently, but, Elon did buy Twitter…

Anyway, Elon criticized OpenAI for “suddenly becoming a for-profit company”, when it started out as a non-profit.

Partially true, but Sam clarified that Open AI is a capped-profit company, and only changed its structure because it had to earn more money to innovate.

No harm. No foul.

ChatGPT or no ChatGPT, who wouldn’t want to spend some time in Venice?

TikTok to be banned in the USA?

We’re getting straight to the point on this one. You could be pro-TikTok, or Anti-TikTok, but the bill seems a bit off, to say the least.

In the bill, one of the provisions includes a clause to sentence those who use a VPN to 20 years in prison. Seems like a power grab?

Some ChatGPT hacks:

  1. Ask it to improve your headline-> Writing a great headline is often 70%+ of the battle when capturing attention, and GPT-4 is very good at improving headlines. Keep asking it to improve your headlines until you get one you like!

Remember to prompt it to “Act like x”. Maybe act like Hemingway or Edgar Allan Poe

  1. Give it parameters: Example parameters could be Topic, Audience, and Task… (if your college writing assignment doesn’t already do so…)

  2. HustleGPT- A guy went viral on Twitter for prompting ChatGPT to set up a side hustle:

Fun and adventurous for sure! But the point remains- give the AI more constraints, and you’ll get better, more refined answers.

Anyways, here are some neat little AI tools to supercharge your work:

  1. For Audio:

  2. For content creation:

  3. Website builder:

  4. Images: (incredible product)

  5. Videos:

  6. Writing:

  7. Design:

Hope you enjoyed this packed edition of the ZenPreneur, and feel free to share.
