Bears & AI Diplomacy

April showers bring May flowers, but this spring it feels like an AI downpour!

1/ Amazon announces Q

Q? Yep, OpenAI had an internal mechanism called Q, which was leaked during the height of the OpenAI drama a few months ago…but this is a different Q.

Amazon’s Q is an AI-powered assistant for businesses and developers.

What it does? Well, it offers code generation, debugging, and agents for development. It also connects to company data repos, summarizes information, and analyzes trends- a very wholistic AI for Amazon’s enterprise clients.

2/ Japan is testing out an AI Bear-spotting system

Yes, you’ve heard that right. Japan is facing a sharp rise in bear attacks, so officials have decided to turn to AI as a potential solution.

In the last few months , they’ve faced 100’s of bear attacks, and AI could be the counterforce to this grizzly problem. 

Set to launch summer of 2024, AI will be used to monitor bear movement patterns and predict their course of actions

3/ Scale AI Releases AI-readiness report

Here are some key moments from the report:

-GPT-4, which came out last march, shows human level performance

-Google unveiled PaLM 2 and Bard (joke of a name)

-Claude 2 launched with 100k context window

-Meta puts out Llama 2 

-DeepMind releases Gemini late 2023, which does better than humans on the MMLU test (also a much better name than Bard!)

-Anthropic puts out Claude 3

And here we are- it’s been a whirlwind in the world of AI infrastructure- we can trace a similar scenario to the dawn of the internet or cloud revolution.

The tools are there and improving rapidly- the question is- what will people build in these early stages?

4/ Microsoft to put $2.2 billion in Malaysian AI services

Now, that’s not a sentence you will hear everyday. It’s interesting to see the value of AI is being dispersed throughout the world.

Microsoft is making this investment in AI infrastructure and is establishing a national AI center in Malaysia- a very interesting trend.

Southeast Asia could become an AI service and talent hub?

Where GPU compute and capital goes, AI energy flows.

5/ AI Spokesperson?

Ukraine is utilizing an AI-generated spokesperson called Victoria. 

This is the first time this has occurred in history- the intersection of global diplomacy and AI is only beginning to take shape.