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- Brain to Video AI
Brain to Video AI
So Fresh, So Fast
AI Alchemist. Sunday edition. 3-minutes.
Brain to video….
What the hell is that?
Well, let me explain before you get up in arms.
You see, in the last few months, AI has gone through a crazy amount of innovation, evolution, and even - politicization (shocker).
But, as with any great technological shift, the conflict is between the ecosystem of builders & users….and well, the rest.
We’ve got text-to-text, text-to-video, text-to-audio, etc.
But now we’re reaching stratospheric levels.
Scientists have just used generative AI to read a Mouse’s brain and create movie clips from it.
Now, some of you may think, “But that’s just mice!”
Well, for these scientists, humans are next up on the bucket list!
Let’s dive in….
Scientists used a machine learning algorithm called “CEBRA” to translate neural activity to frames of motion in space.
Now, this is getting quite real. You see, for a decade, people have heard of Boston dynamics robots performing cool stunts.
If you’re like most, you probably applauded from the sidelines. Thinking….AI is this cool niche…it will probably get good one day!
Google Leaks:
So, the other day, google leaked a memo saying:
You know, this proves one thing….Google is asleep at the wheel. It lacks the cajones it once had. Simply, they are forgetting the primary factor that makes the world’s most successful tech companies, successful…
And that…is community. Yep, the big C word. See, Google’s “Bard” doesn’t have a fraction of the community strength that OpenAI currently does.
Bard API, anyone? (Crickets)....didn’t think so!
Community and network effects are what often drive the world’s biggest successes in the era with infinite access to connections (think Airbnb, TikTok, or even the AWS service from Amazon).
The thing is, OpenAI is clearly ahead of the pack in its positioning as the infrastructure layer for AI. And Google is distant, distant….3rd. Yep, not even a second! Zuck and FB are open-sourcing a lot of their models, and will definitely have something to say about this.
But yea…Google is pretty mid-right now.
A quick business idea:
Train the ChatGPT model for a specific tutor niche use case. (Think economics, english, etc). This is exactly what or even what DuoLingo is implementing for language learning.
And, have you seen Chegg stock price crash??? It’s a foreboding sign for education companies that don’t innovate- if you’ve been to a college campus in the last few months, every student workflow starts with ChatGPT.
Anyways, peace.