Claude-3 & Crypto + AI

A new age

New developments in the world of AI:

1/ Claude-3 is out, and its said to have near human-like capabilities. 

Many are saying that it is on par- at least in the same weight class- as GPT-4. Wonderful.

 Now, the question then becomes, how how does it actually stack up against GPT-4 for the best results?

Supposedly- it beats out GPT-4 in a few reasoning benchmarks. Interesting…

These two models are at the pantheon of AI models- so we’ll see how things pan out in competitions between them


2/ AI x Crypto?

 With the bull market back in the world of crypto, and BTC hitting all-time highs, many investors and entrepreneurs are exploring ways that AI and crypto could be synergistic.

As a side note:

Great coin…

Anyways, retail investing in crypto is now on the upswing- and so many are going to the major coins (as well as meme coins) to obtain upside potential.

Many coins are popping up- and luckily, AI and NLP techniques can be used to verify legitimacy of coins- using metadata such as frequency, timing, and associated network activity. A few startups are actually working on this currently.

AI Crypto Project?

Anyways, there is actually a whole crypto project focused on AI. Injective (INJ) was built to provide tools for DeFi (Decentralized Finance) applications.

INJ is used to validate transactions on the network, and cast votes on governance. All this with a 2.22 billion market cap- not too shabby.

The funny thing is- AI and Crypto are at the bleeding edge of innovation- and both have high energy consumption requirements. Crypto mining consumes 145 Kw Hours of electricity per year- AI has massively high energy demands as well.

Sam Altman even said, on GPUs, “We need fusion or we need, like, radically cheaper solar plus storage, or something, at massive scale— like, scale that no one is really planning for”.

More regulation is not the answer- innovation will pull through in this case.

Interestingly enough, a startup that is tackling this problem space is

For instance, SF compute is a startup that was founded a few months back (went from 0→$1 Million ARR in 6 months!)

It’s a great way for academics and researchers to get access to GPUs.

Anyways, be safe out there, and enjoy the Crypto x AI bull run!