Doctors & Hollywood...The AI Wave Grows

Is there any sector AI's not taking over?

Dr Gupta AI

AI’s gonna replace your doctor.

Or, at least, that’s what some people hope. The doctors….well, that’s a different story.

Take a new product, Dr.GuptaAI, for instance.

Martin Shrkreli, the founder, launched it just a few weeks ago (and subsequently got banned on Twitter).


Anyway, the goal of Dr.GuptaAI, other than its fascinating name, is to be the go to place for people to get their medical questions answered.

For reference, this is how the interface looks:

And, not a bad response, if I do say so myself!

And, the ability to fine tune the model (which is, built on GPT-4), with your personal medical information is very useful. And gnarly.

But, does this mean, physicians will be replaced? Time will tell, but my prediction is Dr.Gupta and similar chatbots could be the default for lower end ailments. But, many will still seek information from physicians and doctors in the physical world when cases are more severe.

You know, even with all the technology we’ve got in the world today, handshake deals & napkin math doesn’t go out of style. There’s a certain aura to them!


Stability AI- Text to Animation

Have you heard of the latest news with Stability AI? No?

Well, that’s why we got your back. And then some.


Now, Stability AI released a text-to-animation tool that allows anybody to input a prompt. The kicker? Out comes an animation of what the user inputs, based on parameters.

The rate of advancement of this technology is unlike anything we’ve seen before. And at this rate, every citizen will have the power of Hollywood in there hands, on command. Pretty crazy to even think about.

AI animation studio anybody?

And now, apparently Zuck’s hopping into the AI game too. Metaverse didn’t work there, buddy?

Basically, Meta is putting out an AI sandbox for advertisers to test out various creatives before releasing ads.

Basically, the AI sandbox allows advertisers to use prompts to create content, creatives, and ads. Well, sounds like half the new AI startups out there, all powered by OpenAI’s API…

Constitutional AI by Anthropic

Anthropic believes that LLMs, rather than relying on human guidance, should produce output based on principles….sort of like the constitution. Or a religion.

One of these involves “freedom, equity, and brotherhood”.

Interesting… and they are planning on raising billions of dollars to back up this thesis.

This is definitely worth paying attention to.

Action Tip:

Even if you’re very busy, spend 30 minutes a day playing with a new AI tool that interests you- its the best way to learn the tech.

And, who knows? You may end up building the next big AI business or improve your business profits astronomically.

Alright, Peace.