The End for Lawyers?

AI's ramping up, Big Time

Read this for 3 minutes, and you’ll be smarter about AI entrepreneurship - but you might also chuckle.

We’re now in May, and AGI hasn’t taken over humanity yet.

But, we may be getting there.

Anyways, many people are now dipping their toes into the world of AI. How could you not?

You see, it’s the same as being proficient with Microsoft word in 2004. Or Google in 2001.

Timeless skills.

You know, “proficient with ChatGPT” is now on many resumes. (The recruiters understand!)

New AI company (Could this be it for lawyers?)

If only! Kidding…

Today, we will dive deep into a new company that aims to displace the lawyer profession. Sounds fantastic!

If any of you have paid thousands in legal fees for a simple document change, you understand the need for this.

I mean literally- shift 1 email here and there- and boom…smacked with a $10,000 fee. There’s gotta be a better way…

Alright, let’s dive in,

The company is called HarveyAI.

What does it do specifically?

Harvey AI is a generative AI company that builds custom LLMs for Law Firms to tackle complex legal challenges across various jurisdictions.

Ok. So, for many, that might as well have been written in French, so let me break it down a little bit more.

Let’s step back real quick. What is an LLM? Well, an LLM, or large language model, is an AI model that can generate natural language texts from large amounts of data.

Basically, it’s a system in which the AI can learn from data it ingests and generate text based on probabilistic outcomes. Make sense? Hopefully…feel free to reply to this email if you’d like to better understand how you can apply this to your business or industry use case.

Anyways, another little tidbit about Harvey AI: OpenAI invested in it. The big dawg in the AI field has spoken. Now, will it live up to the hype? No idea, but time will tell. But, at the moment, things seem promising for Harvey in a growing legal sector.

And hey, who doesn’t hate legal fees?

Prompt-learning Hack:

Now, some companies are paying prompt engineers-get this- 300k+ for prompt engineering.

Now, before you get all hot and bothered, to become a solid prompt engineer, you gotta start playing around with the tools.

You know, you’re at breakfast, scrolling TikTok or Twitter, letting time pass…..Nah. This is the time where you pull up chatGPT, and literally talk to the AI with prompts, and save them.

What’s the best way to save them? Well, if you’ve stumbled on any really cool prompts that produce a great output, you can save them all in a personal space. is the one I’m using currently, but there are a few options out there.

An Italian Welcome- Again?

Well well…Italy banned chatGPT a few months ago, but now…its back?

Yup, Italy has reversed course on its ChatGPT ban. ChatGPT was revealing too many custom Pizza recipes for its liking. And, of course, the privacy concerns are strong.

New Tool:

This part may get a little nerdy- but, I’ll walk through it anyway!

A programming language called Mojo just launched. Huh?

Well, it’s a programming language specifically for AI developers, and unlocks combines the usability of Python with the performance of C. And, if you’re a developer, you knwo that C is the language closest to the hardware, meaning….

Ok. we get the point. Here’s the docs:


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