Military AI, Hollywood, and a Stable Twist

1/ Iran and AI:

The west has been levying sanctions against Iran- and, in response, Iran seems to be looking at AI to help out its cause. 

How so? Well, specifically, the PM of Iran says he wants to focus on the “big steps” of AI- and obviously, this is generative AI, computer vision, and others that would help lower costs and on the battle field. 

2/ NYPD and AI

Now, the NYPD is also looking at AI for its security apparatus.

Specifically, the NYPD assistant commissioner is looking at AI technology that can detect weapons in real time using their current camera setup.

Basically computer vision + real time AI systems.

3/ Stability AI not stable?

Emad, the founder of Stability AI, stepped down from his role as CEO “to pursue decentralized AI”

Quite a noble goal- as this technology is changing the fabric of human civilization as we speak.

Mostaque even stated that one “can’t beat centralized AI with centralized AI”.

True, but one has to wonder- could an attempt to decentralize the technology not have been made from within the organization?

Regardless, Emad’s next project is going to be riveting.

4/ OpenAI taking meetings with Hollywood

Let’s take a gander at what they could be discussing- many reports do show Sora as the main topic of discussion…

Apparently, OpenAI is talking with Hollywood execs about using Sora as part of the film production workflows. Expect similar things to happen with other tools such as Pika, Runway, etc

Though many in Hollywood are concerned that such technology would cost them jobs, in the interim, it acts as more of a copilot for the movie production process, speeding up workflows for editors and, VFX artists, and the crew.

Saving time and cutting costs? Seems positive in the short term.

5/  MIT scientists built a way for smaller models to mimic large AI image generators (Stable diffusion, DALL E 2)

It’s called distribution matching distillation, which results in smaller and more efficient AI models that can generate images faster.


As a side note, if you’re building AI Agents, consider checking out this AI  grant program:

Anyways , peace out and have a