On New Years Resolutions

Starting the Year off Right

On New Years Resolutions:

Welcome to the TutorChad, the newsletter that ups your IQ in the most random way possible.

Today we’re talking about- you guessed it- new years resolutions!

It's that time of year again - the time when we all make grand promises to ourselves about how we're going to transform our lives in the coming year. Whether it's finally getting in shape, learning a new language, or starting that business you've always dreamed of, we all have those big, ambitious goals that we just know we can achieve... if we could only get ourselves to follow through.

But let's face it, sticking to our New Year's resolutions can be tough. Life has a way of getting in the way, and before you know it, your well-intentioned plans have gone by the wayside. So how can you make sure you stay on track and actually achieve your goals this year? Here are a few tips to help you stick with your New Year's resolutions and learn something new:

  1. Make a plan: The first step to achieving any goal is having a clear plan of action. Don't just resolve to "get in shape" or "learn a new language." Break your goal down into specific, actionable steps that you can follow. For example, if your goal is to get in shape, make a plan to go to the gym three times a week or take a daily walk around the block. If your goal is to learn a new language, set aside specific times each week to practice and study. The more specific and actionable your plan is, the more likely you are to stick with it.

  2. Find an accountability partner: It's always easier to stick with a goal when you have someone else to hold you accountable. Find a friend or family member who shares your goal and check in with each other regularly to track your progress and offer support. You can even make a friendly bet to see who can stick with their resolution the longest - just make sure the stakes are something you'll actually care about!

  3. Celebrate your progress: It's important to celebrate the small wins along the way to keep yourself motivated. Whether it's losing your first 5 pounds or finally mastering the present tense in French, make sure to take a moment to appreciate your progress and give yourself a pat on the back.

  4. Don't beat yourself up: Let's face it, we all have off days. Maybe you skipped the gym or didn't study your language flashcards as much as you planned. It's okay! Don't let one setback derail your entire resolution. Instead, take a deep breath, remind yourself of your ultimate goal, and get back on track.

  5. Get creative: If you're having trouble sticking with your resolution, try shaking things up a bit. For example, if your goal is to get in shape but you're getting bored with your usual gym routine, try a new workout class or go for a hike instead. If you're trying to learn a new language but are struggling to stay motivated, try finding a language exchange partner or watching movies in the language you're learning. Getting creative can help you stay engaged and motivated.

So don't let your New Year's resolutions fall by the wayside this year. With a solid plan, an accountability partner, and a little bit of creativity, you can achieve your goals and learn something new in the process. Happy New Year!

Also, remember, a little OCD is fine- try and schedule as much of each day as possible.

Peace out, see you tomorrow.