Stargate, Grok-2, and Agents

It’s April- and GPT-5 is now out.

It’s better than we’d hoped for, and now, we basically have AGI…

April Fools! 

Anyways, what’s actually going on is that the world is quickly adapting to a certain type of AI workflow- the copilot.

And so, 2024 innovation is set to be the year of the AI agent- fully automating what humans would do, instead of keeping a human in the loop.

Likewise, the big players in AI seem to be pushing the boundaries and constantly asking themselves- “how far can we go?”

1/  Microsoft & OpenAI are planning to build a “Stargate computer”, which would cost $100 billion and require 5 gigawatts of power.

Massive power power requirements to build this technology- but given enough time, it is doable.

2/ In other news, Grok-2 is set to be released next week

This should get very interesting- based on the training evals of grok 1.5 itself, we are talking about models that rival GPT-4 in many aspects.

And Claude? We are definitely in a 3-way race now (with GPT slightly in the lead, obviously)

3/ Andrew Ng (legendary stanford ML professor) reveals that GPT 3.5 outperforms GPT-4 in Agentic workflow

Wild and pretty unexpected for many.

Many AI apps call the 3.5 api to save on cost, but this provides an additional performative reason to do so.

4/ AI Companionship?

Since it is the week of April fools, we need to mention an AI idea that’s sort of “out there”...In this case, we’ve got

That’s right, romantic AI….finding love with tokens and neural nets…a logical evolution in the human race?

All kidding aside, AI companions and AI romance are a large trend this year

5/ ChatGPT is opening up 3.5 for everyone to use- even without making an account.

    Smart that they put it behind account creation for a couple of years- and with a bunch of users, the logical next step on the adoption curve is to open up to the masses who don’t need to make an account. 
