New Study: Fat Lowers Sunlight Absorption

Get Healthy by Treating Your body like a Startup

Welcome to The ZenChad, the 3-minute newsletter that’ll get you healthy and gain business insights quicker than making morning coffee.

Let’s dive in.

It’s January 20th, 2023, and you’re probably swamped with work, and don’t have the time to take an hour-long walk in nature.

Many think the same way. But, your body is your permanent home, and an investment in it will actually make your work output far better.

Today, a new study has come out, revealing that you don’t even absorb sunlight as well if you’re overweight. Wild, considering how critical sunlight is for the body.

And vitamin D, which is manufactured when your skin is exposed to sunlight, is vital.

Vitamin D helps with the following:

  • A healthy release of cortisol

  • Times your circadian rhythms

  • Boosts your mood & eliminates depression,

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Lowers the risk of heart disease

  • Lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes

Basically, I can list Vitamin D’s benefits all day- it’s that important.

Anyways, let's dive into this study. There’s a new study out that shows that the leaner you are, the more benefit sunlight’s going to give you.

Researchers gave 16,000 people vitamin D supplements, checking how much their bodies absorbed. Shockingly enough, for those with a BMI over 25, vitamin D absorption was far lower than for those with a BMI under 25.

Well, the ball is in the gym bros’ court. Pack it in if you don’t have those chiseled abs- eh, not so fast!

It’s alright. If you’re currently not in ideal shape, breathe- a walk in the morning should help you out. No, not a walk to your fridge, though we’re all craving that vanilla latte right now.

Think of your body like a business. A business that raises capital will only benefit once it has product market fit. In the same way, you can benefit from sunlight most once you are fit- that doesn’t mean that you can’t benefit from it to a certain extent right away.

Let’s illustrate this point.

Amazon’s virtuous cycle: Lower prices, build a moat with consumers with better operations, gain defensibility with consumers

Airbnb’s virtuous cycle: Get more housing supply on the platform, offer cheaper prices to travelers, gain more defensibility and brand recognition

Your Body’s Virtuous cycle: walk in the sunlight daily and get 10k steps, get leaner, and benefit more from the sunlight over time. Rinse, repeat.

See how this works?

Anyways lads, here are some tools that should help with both walking and getting that much-needed sunlight:

  • The Solius Kiosk ( —> can help with light therapy and get you that much needed Vitamin D

  • The Step App(> this is a move to earn solution to walk and earn cash

  • Dvelop ( → this is a Vitamin D test kit startup with a subscription package

  • Nike Run Club App (classic)

  • ZenChads (who put that here??)

Alright lads, have a good Friday and remember to get those sunny steps in.