AI Video, War, & Jamie Dimon?

If there was ever a time to take a close, captivated look at a wave, it would be now. And the wave we're riding is none other than the mighty AI tsunami.

AI has reached a captivating inflection point - it's either becoming "scary good" or "scary bad", depending on who you ask. Let's start with a positive use case that's got everyone talking.

1/ AI Video

Introducing infinityAI, a fresh YC company that just blew minds on Demo Day. Their entire pitch was AI-generated- talk about an epic display of the technology's prowess.

These video tools powered by AI are sure to make waves in the industry.

Now for a more sobering application of AI...

2/ AI in War

Now, for a more dreary AI use case- AI in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

The Israeli military is using an AI system to identify targets with links to Hamas, as a means to improve their targeting.

The AI system then moves those likely with links into a kill list.

This is human + machine warfare- and, similar to technological advances with nuclear bombs and tanks, more governments will use these AI systems to carry out their objectives.

3/ Stanford Breakthrough

Stanford University has unveiled a new on-device LLM called Octopus V2.

And it actually surpasses GPT-4 in efficiency and speed, while- get this- slashing context length by 95%.

It achieves a mind-boggling 99.524% accuracy rate on function-calling tasks.

This is some serious heat from Stanford and marks the continuation of the LLM race at the world’s top research facilities.

4/ Jamie Dimon has some big words for AI

He says that the consequences will be extraordinary, and will be as transformational as inventions such as “the printing press, the steam engine, electricity, computing and the internet”.

Yep, seems about right. Other than crypto in the financial world, this is the biggest fundamental shift since the internet was invented. 

Have a productive, AI-assisted week ahead.