VR Amplifies AI Advances

VR & AI Advances

Society Advanced rapidly this week- which seems to be a common theme in the AI era.

And now, we’ve got the Apple Vision Pro has just come out….let’s see…yesterday

We’ve had VR experiences before, with Oculus and others,  but the early users of this product indicate the experience is on a whole another level

Garry Tan, president of YCombinator, says this was the best VR experience of his life.

Not to cause FOMO- it’s quite expensive, but I’d suggest heading to your local Apple store to test it out!

There will be a whole slew of epic VR experiences that will be built on this technology.

Now, onto some AI…

1/Mistral’s Open source AI is building to GPT-4 performance. 

Quite interesting- will it ever surpass it? The thing is, in AI, the smallest gaps between are massive due to the compounding rate of improvement.

2/ Amazon is launching an AI shopping experience called Rufus

  Well, other than the name, let's dive into what’s interesting about it.

The CEO says that it will answer questions natively to enhance a buyer’s experience, such as “what are the best cold weather rain jackets”

The effect this may have on Google SEO is interesting to consider, if Amazon can now natively answer these questions.

3/ AI meets VR? Here’s an epic deep fake application

Anyway, have a blessed day, and build the future.