Shovel Up for the AI Rush

DeepFakes & Website Magic

In today’s 3-minute AI Alchemist, we hope you learn something cool to apply to your work. And have a nice laugh- that’s always good.

Got a new business idea? Well, you’re going to have to move lightning-fast to get it to market. Literally- there are people all over the world who’ve dropped what they’ve been doing and are dedicated to building the next great AI software.

You know, this has the feel of the dot com era, where everybody and their mother was adding a .com website to their business, hoping that riches would pour in.

What happened? Most failed, and there were huge winners. (Think Amazon, google, etc)

Now, there’s a saying (which you’ve probably heard of), which says something along the lines of “risk it for the biscuit”.

Wait no. Wrong saying.

Ahh, this one’s more like it: “During a gold rush, sell the shovels”

And that’s what many startups are working on doing right now!

For instance, take GlaspAI.

It is a Chrome extension that allows entrepreneurs to “Hatch” new ideas, highlight, and add notes.

Think of it like your “browsing partner”, if that makes any sense.

Here it is:

As a side note, did you hear about Twitter spaces, and how Ron Desantis launched his presidential campaign via the platform?

Definitely a new way of doing things. Twitter’s servers went a little funky during the initial part of the campaign launch, but things did get sorted out eventually…

Now, why am I bringing this up?

Well, for one, there will be many opportunities for entrepreneurs in the field of politics to apply AI.

How so?

Well, let’s take DeepSwap, for example. DeepSwap is an app that lets anybody do face swaps. All I can say is…if you thought Presidents playing Call of Duty on your IG Reels page was a trip, you’re in for a ride.

Ok, moving on. Now, take a look at this bad boy:

Now, we’re not endorsing them, but…they literally make a website from 1 prompt input. In…get this…60 seconds. Now, my test took 75 seconds, but who the hell’s counting?

Tell me that ain’t magic. And, it’s only just the beginning.